Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Looking forward to RED....

I like to post trailers on my blog, show the films that I'm looking forward to in the coming months.  The latest one to catch my eye is RED (or Retired, Extremely, Dangerous).  Based on a graphic novel (aren't 50% of movies these days?), this stands out for me because of the cool cast.  Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren?  All trained former agents?  All showing how to kick ass old school style?  I'm sold.  It looks like they're having a lot of fun with this.  I only hope the trailer doesn't show too much of the cool stuff.  The shot of Bruce exiting a moving car and pulling out a gun is high level bad-assery.  Looking forward to this.....


  1. I see you've read this month's Empire. This film does look pretty badass to be fair.


  2. I’d like to think the graphic novel invasion signals the emergence of geek culture, but judging by the movie lineup lately (Stretch Armstrong? REALLY?) it’s far more likely Hollywood are just out of ideas.

  3. This movie does look great Pete. Had my eye on it for a while, but yeah the Empire feature this month was pretty cool.

    With regards to a graphic novel invasion, it is great to see geek culture thrive in Hollywood, but at the same time, it makes it so much more mass market that it dilutes a lot of its power. League of extraordinary gentlemen anyone? Oh and Hollywood will never run out of ideas, they have over 100 years worth of movies to unnecessarily remake :)

  4. You enjoy depressing me, don't you?
