Monday, 9 August 2010

Begin at the beginning..........

I guess my love of cinema and movies goes right back to the summer of 1993.  I was 10 years old and Jurassic Park was everywhere.  Lunchboxes, cuddly toys, pencil cases, it was my first experience where the merchandising of the movie was as important as the movie itself.  This was long before the internet, fanboy forum's, script leaks the use of 'Spoiler Alert' attached to every review.  So this was the best way of creating awareness for your movie. 

Jurassic Park proved to be a monster in every sense of the word.  This was genuine cinema where we were party to images never before seen.  Sure we had the genius of Ray Harryhausen and Jason and the Argonauts, Fritz Lang and Metropolis, Hitchcock and The Birds.  But never before had reality and fantasy been so perfectly aligned.  It's a strange thing to say given that dinosaurs have never existed in my lifetime, but they just looked, moved and sounded right.  Jurassic Park proved to be the first movie I'd ever seen at the cinema that demanded to be seen more than once, a practice that I'd repeat for many movies down the years....

Which leads me to why I decided to start a movie blog.  It's so overused and such a cliche.  Hell, everyone these days has a blog about something, and movies is certainly a more popular subject than most.  I'm not going to pretend that my blog will change your life, or that the opinions here will be different than many a movie lover across the 'net.  What you will find however is any review or posting will be what I like to call 'truth'.  Obviously everyone's opinions are individual, however I find that many are lead by the hyperbole and knee jerk reaction of many a fanboy on the internet.  I try my best to see every single movie based on the merits of where the film reels begin and where they end.  I don't care if Tom Cruise is a Scientologist who jumps up and down on sofas.  That's his personal life and if he's still delivering on the big screen then I couldn't care less.  I don't care if a movie is popular simply because the books have a nation of devoted followers a la Twilight or Harry Potter.  If I haven't been exposed to those worlds through paperback, then I will give it as much chance as any other movie. 

Don't get me wrong, I love movies that challenge you and inspire discussion.  But if a movie, at its base level entertains me for 90 to 100 minutes of my life, then is that so bad?  As an example my movie taste will range from the work of Alfred Hitchcock to Michael Bay (though he has went downhill since the perfect mind numbing trilogy of Bad Boys, The Rock and Armageddon!), from Ridley Scott to John Woo, from Stanley Kubrick to Sam Raimi.

I accept cinema is a broad canvas and not every movie has to be a work of art.  This summer my most anticipated movies were / are Inception and The Expendables.  Two polar opposites to the extreme, but equally enticing.  Inception I have already seen, three times to be exact, but more on that later....

Anyway, if you love movies I welcome you.  Hopefully my 'rants and musings' will provide you with insight, a few laughs and of course, a few controversial opinions.

Btw for those paying attention, the reason I started the blog?  The genius of Inception.  But as I say, that's for a day or two from now.  Hopefully I'll see you then. 

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